
Are You Ready For PETA’s Man And Woman Of The Year?


Here’s a clue: One’s a pussy-lovin’ activist / talk show host – and the other doesn’t want to see that fur!

We’re talking about – of course – Ellen Degeneres and Tim Gunn. Both card carryin’ gays who also happen to be cruelty-free animal lovers.

So why Ellen?

The notorious animal lover is a recent vegan and has fostered and adopted numerous cats and dogs at her L.A. homes. She also gets really emotional about her animal hoarding – but hey – let’s focus on the good!

And why Tim?

He’s a solo voice in a fashion industry that promotes fur, which – let’s face it – is mostly erroneously labeled cat hair farmed in China. Gunn has famously decried the cruelty of fur in fashion and made numerous outspoken cases about designers should give up fur.

What next? We want to see the two of them butt naked together on a billboard saying “We’d rather go naked than wear fur.”

It could happen! (And Anna Wintour could stop looking like E.T. overnight.)

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