
Taylor Momsen Wants to be Taken Seriously


Just because you know her as a bratty little sophomore on Gossip Girl, or remember her as little Cindy Lou Hoo in 200’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas, doesn’t mean you don’t have to take Taylor Momsen’s career decisions seriously.

While creating off-screen controversy with her edgy lyrics as singer of band The Pretty Reckless, Momsen has a dream to be a big musician as well as an actress, and she’s sick of adults writing her off because she’s only sixteen.

The sixteen year old tells Seventeen magazine;

“I think people don’t really take me seriously because I’m 16. And they think most 16 year olds don’t know what they want to do. But I actually really do, because I’ve been thinking about it since I was two… I love working. I’m a workaholic, and no one believes it. I’m in the recording studio until three in the morning.”

“I am angsty. I’ll be angsty until I’m 80 years old. I think that keeps things fresh. But I always think angst is such a derogatory word toward teenagers. It just means you’re figuring s**t out, and I don’t know why that’s a negative thing.”

Not sure who’s doubting her though, the band isn’t half bad!

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