
The Love Guru Is So Bad People Are Going to Jail For Putting It On the Net


The tiers of movie anticipatory excitement are, in descending order: I want to see it in the theater opening weekend, I want to see it in the theater eventually, I want to watch it on DVD, I’ll catch it on cable, I’ll download it illegally, I’d rather read a book. Mike MeyersThe Love Guru is a “rather read,” but someone bothered to illegally upload it to the torrent tracking site Mininova anyway. His name is Mischa Wynhausen, and he’s just been sentenced to three years probation. He got a copy of the video from a family member of Los Angeles Duplication & Broadcasting employee Jack Yates, who’s getting SIX MONTHS in Federal prison. WTF? Dubbing is worse than uploading? So when SWIM rips a copy of the Dave Brubeck Quartet CD that ge got from the library, SWIM is chancing time in a Federal clink, but when SWIM emails a zip file of the album to friends, that’s only worth three years probation? Damn, did Dave Brubeck used to work at the FBI or something?

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