
She Blowin’ Up Her Wallet, They Blowin’ Up Jews: Beyonce Performs for Family With Terrorist Ties


Get that blood-and-oil soaked paper, girl!

Mediatakeout.com is reporting that Beyonce received two million dollars to perform at a private party for the family of Muammar al-Gaddafi. He’s the Libyan dictator best known for his stylin’ sunglasses and refusing to deliver the terrorists who murdered the passengers of Pan Am Flight 103 to justice. Baaaaallin’!! How ironic, Beyonce at a private party for the dictator of a state where being a Beyonce fan is illegal. By “a Beyonce fan” I of course mean “gay.”

Check out these insightful comment from the always-entertaining/depressing Mediatakeout.com comments section:

2 mill??? Psh, Bey gon go get that. She don’t care if she was performin for Satan himself…but it’s no different than a skripper goin to “work” only to make a couple hundred dollars. This is no different. But it’s 2 mill!!!!! Lol

In Beyonce defence, she probably has no idea what Lybia or terrorism is. Heck, she probably thought it was an American state.

SO WHAT!!! How many of you BROKE BYT CHES sleep with a nukka YOU can’t stand, but he can get you RENT MONEY Get that money B. That’s 2 million LESS they’ll wold spend on FERTALIZER and DETONATORS Ph uck what these morons got to say

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