
Jersey Shore Post #45,231: Ronnie and Sammi Are Still Together


If these two kids, who could easily bang out any sexy, sun-damaged, Hpnotiq-drinking, house music aficionado on the east coast, can settle down and find love with each other, maybe there’s hope for us all. People reports that Sammi “Sweetheart” and Ronnie “Ronnie is his nickname” are still together.

[Sammi] says that she doesn’t miss single life either. “Ronnie does a lot of romantic things for me all the time.” she says. “He’s brought me flowers to my house before, he takes me out to really, really nice restaurants, buys me dinner all the time. He’s just a great guy.”

That’s three kinds of buying things for you! Score, Sammi! And thank God he buys you dinner all the time; taking a girl to a really, really nice restaurant and then splitting the check is only half as suave as going all the way with it.

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