
Pams Single and Ready to Mingle, but Probably Should Tell Her Boyfriend…


Apparently Pamela Anderson has broken it off with the boyfriend you probably didn’t even know she had.

Pam has been dating a local Malibu electrician, Jamie Padgett, ever since she moved into the Paridise Cove mobile home park while her Mansion was under renovation.

She stayed in the cove claiming she was happy with her love life, and dating Padgett, until this Christmas when she traveled over to London to perform in a Christmas stage show.

According to a source, it’s when she was over there that she decided she’d rather be on the market.

“Pam made it pretty clear she is no longer dating Jamie and that she was looking for a new love interest. She didn’t have anything bad to say about him and described him as a ‘sweet guy’ and that she hoped they would remain friends.”

The only problem with that is, she apparently hasn’t told Jamie, as when he was asked about the relationship he claimed;

“Pam is a fine mother and she does some great work for animal rights through PETA. I did not go to London with her over the holidays as I was doing my own thing – it’s up to her to say if we are dating or not. I’m sure I will see her when I see her.”

At least one thing is clear… That she wears the pants in that relationship.

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