
There’s Coke In Coca-Cola, This Documentary


Remember when Vince and the gang made Medellin on Entourage? They’re making a documentary about it! Oh, no, just re-read the news piece. It’s about Pablo Escobar:

HBO has picked up the U.S. TV rights to the feature documentary “Sins of My Father,” an official selection in the World Documentary competition at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival.

It is slated to premiere on the pay cable network this year, possibly in the fall.

“Sins,” directed and produced by New York-based Argentinean filmmaker Nicolas Entel, tells the inside story of Pablo Escobar, the most notorious drug lord in Colombian history, through the eyes of his son, Sebastian Marroquin, who changed his name and fled Colombia after his father’s death.

Hey, didn’t Adrian Grenier do a documentary about finding his dad? Come on, HBO. You gotta mix it up sometimes.

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