
TWITTER SPATS: Pete Wentz and Perez Hilton


Twitter was invented for people to fight with Perez Hilton. Did you know 35% of all tweets are directed @perezhilton and contain the words “liar” “die” and “fat”?

The latest dust-up involves Pretzel and Pete Wentz. It began with this post, in which Perez, as clever as ever, calls Pete “douchey” and said, much like the accompanying picture of Pete’s son, that he’d be crying too if Pete were his dad.

Pete’s since-deleted response, via his website:

i dont care what you say about me or really anyone one else. but dont talk about my kid. the love i have for him is something that will make me go against all odds. yes guess what a one year old cries when he leaves the park. but he is not as bloated or mean spirited as you a 30 yearold former closeted bully. say it again. slip up one time. it wont be on the internet. i will make you less than what you are. i will break you and you wont know its me. this is physical. mental. and spiritual. i have an on/off switch for animals that will make you beg for the chance to say youre sorry. you will not get near my son.

Thanks for archiving, that, Alternative Press.

The perpetually blameless Perez’s response tweets:

@petewentz Dude, I wasn’t making fun of your kid. I was making fun of YOU! Thanks for proving my point, douche.

@petewentz Seriously, dude. You threatened me with physical violence for making fun of YOU. That’s more than douchey! You’re dead to me.

Damn, Perez sure likes to use the “physical violence is NEVER THE ANSWER” excuse a lot.

Get ’em, Wentz.

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One Response to TWITTER SPATS: Pete Wentz and Perez Hilton

  1. January 15, 2010 at 4:48 pm #

    i dont like perez hilton. or any other celebritybloggerhuman out there. gosh.

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