
I Guess Nobody Told the Anti Smoking Groups That Taylor Momsen Doesn’t F**king Care!


Sixteen-year-old Taylor Momsen is getting a lot of flack after being photographed smoking a cigarette during a break on the set of Gossip Girl last week.

Most specifically from an anti smoking group.  Patrick Reynolds from the Foundation for a Smoke Free America told Usmagazine.com;

“She really has an extra responsibility to bear as an actress idolized by little girls out there. For her to be smoking sends the wrong message to kids. Evidence shows that stars do influence kids to smoke.”

Unfortunately for Patty, and the rest of the “do good but be annoying” organizations out there, Taylor Momsen doesn’t f*cking care!

They must not have read the article last month in which Momsen spoke on the subject of being a role model to young girls and had this to say;

My favorite blogs are where you get the mothers saying ‘She’s the worst influence on my daughter, I would never let my daughter dress like that’, or, ‘This girl’s such a whore, she’s a slut’. And I’m, like, you’re a mother! And I’m 16.  To be honest, I don’t f**king care. I didn’t get into this to be a role model. So I’m sorry if I’m influencing your kids in a way that you don’t like, but I can’t be responsible for their actions. I don’t care.”

Your move, Reynolds.

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