
Read This Letter by an Idiot Offended by Roger Ebert’s Use of WTF


Fark linked to this inane letter by a farking moron, published two days ago by the PJ Star:

First, I look forward every morning to reading the Journal Star. I love the crosswords.

Second, the Jan. 14 edition carried a review of the movie, “The Book of Eli,” by Roger Ebert. I like to read the reviews to get a general idea before choosing a movie. I realize the Journal Star does not have control of the words used by Mr. Ebert, but I have never seen the inference in your paper that he used. He stated there were “several WTF! moments … but hey, WTF.”

I do not read this sort of material or use these profane words by my own choice! I like living in the Midwest and enjoy the quality of life the Midwest affords. I attend church, as do many of the Journal Star’s readers. I hope this is not a preview of how the Journal Star is going to evolve into another forum of a decaying society.

Jan Schmidt, Mackinaw

Come on, Jan Schmidt, you dumb bitch, now you’re taking offense at initialisms? Would it makes you feel better to know that “what the fuck” is actually an acronym for “willfully helping adolescents to toil heartily everyday faithfully using Christ’s knowledge”? Well, it isn’t. DIAF.

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