
MTV Takes a Hard-Hitting Look at Sexting and the Kinda Gross People Who Do It


MTV News has an informative look at the modern phenomenon of “sexting” on its website right now. I just watched (and embedded) part 1 and I learned two important things: MTV has a new version of John Norris (it’s Kim Stolz, the cute, hip lesbian from America’s Next Top Model); and that sexting is for people with bleached perms.

In the introductory clip below, we meet Ally, whose life was upended by a forwarded sext. She sent her ex-boyfriend a pic of her rack when he made it a condition of their getting back together, because really, who wouldn’t leap at the chance to date the kinda guy who would demand that? It’s too bad Ally hadn’t read Flirtexting: How to Text Your Way to His Heart, because then she’d know you never text anything without assuming it’s going to be forwarded to “his entire soccer team.” Hey, you shouldn’t be dating a European in the first place. They are, without exception, animals. Get yourself a baseball player, commie.

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