
Isn’t Stumbling Around Desperate for Cocaine Kristin Cavallari’s JOB?

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I’m honestly asking. The woman is paid to be on television solely to personify selfish, sybaritic lethargy, correct? Then why is this US Weekly piece acting like it’s a bad thing the girl wanted to get high over Super Bowl weekend, reportedly “going around to everyone, asking them to score her some coke”? SHE’S SUPPOSED TO. WE ALL HAVE TO WORK. And really, how else is a girl supposed to enjoy the Super Bowl? I’d be disappointed if the girl didn’t “party,” although not half as disappointed as I already am that she doesn’t have any bomb coke connects of her own. Again: she lives inside of nightclubs, and her day job is shopping and drinking on camera. You’d think the coke dealers would be courting her with free sample packs, like the Clinique counter in the Beverly Center.

Here are some pretty pictures of the girl. Notice how not-fat she is. Coincidence? No. Career.

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One Response to Isn’t Stumbling Around Desperate for Cocaine Kristin Cavallari’s JOB?

  1. February 17, 2010 at 2:02 pm #

    It’s not nice to make fun of celebrities. They just want to be left alone.

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