
HA! “Tik Tok” Keeps “We Are the World” Off Top of Charts


“Tik Tok” can’t be killed. The song has already topped the Billboard Hot 100 for over two months, and not even Lil’ Wayne, Wyclef, Nipsey Hussle, Vince Vaughn, Nick Jonas, Fergie, Swizz Beats, and Fonzworth Bentley can kick her off. That’s right, the song that would have saved Haiti, “We Are the World 25” DIDN’T debut at #1. I could understand if it lost to something like a new Ke$ha song, but how can anyone need to hear “Tik Tok” out loud at this point? Isn’t it wired so deep into your cerebral cortex that you can simply summon it at will?  Well, that’s what they get for not getting Ke$ha to be on the damn song!

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