
Pick a Career, Frankie Muniz!


I can understand giving up acting to be a race car driver, but giving up race car driving for drumming?! You’re supposed to give up drumming for acting! Ask Jason Schwartzman.

Frankie Muniz came to national prominence as the precocious kid star of Malcolm in the Middle. At the series’ conclusion, he was still the same size, so he got into race car driving, because that’s what tiny rich people do, and it’s a lot cooler than race horse jockeying. But deep inside, he always dreamed of drumming for a completely generic Jimmy Eat World-ish band. That dream is now a reality. Frankie gave this interview to Popeater about his new gig in the rhythm section of You Hang Up, an Arizona-based foursome:

Who are your favorite drummers?

I started playing the drums by watching Hanson — they were 10, 11, 12 years old at the same time I was — and I thought, ‘I wanna do that.’ But once I really got into drumming I became a big fan of Dave Matthews Band, and Carter Beauford is insane. He’s one of my favorites — he can do anything, any style of music.

Except good! Zing!

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