
It’s Taking Longer to Put Lil’ Wayne Behind Bars Than It Took to Put Michael Jackson In the Ground


Is Weezy ever going to the slammer? In the time since the start of his sentence has been delayed twice, he could have recorded 300 mixtapes.

The AP reports that Wayne’s sentencing – already delayed once so that the three remaining real teeth in Wayne’s head could be drilled – has again been delayed due to a fire in the courthouse building:

The midmorning blaze shut down a Lower Manhattan court for the day, postponing the rap star’s court date among other proceedings, courts spokesman David Bookstaver said.

It wasn’t immediately clear when the sentencing – already put off two weeks because Lil Wayne needed dental surgery – would be rescheduled. Defense lawyer Stacey Richman said the rapper was en route to New York for his 2:15 p.m. hearing when she learned of the court closing.

How ironic. A “midmorning blaze” is precisely what got Wayne’s tour bus pulled over in the first place. Now it’s keeping him out of court.

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