
Kelly Osbourne Blasts Plastic Surgery Accusitions


Kelly Osbourne is blasting reports that she’s had any plastic surgery procedures done to help achieve her new shape, for one simple reason… She couldn’t!

After slimming down to probably the best she’s ever looked, and attributing it to hard work and ballet dancing, a few sources started calling out Kelly Osbourne for  getting procedures done such as lip injections, liposuction, and even gastric bypass.

In an interview with Britain’s Closer magazine, Kelly explains;

“I’m so angry there are rumors going around that I’ve had fillers in my lips, or liposuction on my legs. Someone even said I’ve had a gastric bypass! I have 100 per cent not had any of that. I’ve lost weight from my face, and that’s why it looks different.” adding, “I can say with confidence that the only time I’ve been in a plastic surgeon’s office was with my mum (Sharon), and though I wouldn’t rule it out when I’m older, right now I couldn’t even do it if I wanted because of my past addictions – I couldn’t take the medication they put you on. The rumors are ridiculous. They send out the wrong message because I’ve shaped up working hard for months – it wasn’t a quick fix!”

You can’t argue with someone’s admitted addiction!  So good work, Kelly!

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