
Ochocinco Has Been Training for DWTS


Chad Ochocinco was just announced as a contestant on Dancing With the Stars last night, and don’t be surprised if he comes out prepared!

Athletes usually do very well on this show, because their profession is footwork, but for Ochocinco, it’s all about the video games.

He’s frequently at home during the season tweeting his followers to join him on Xbox Live to play some of his favorites, including Call of Duty, and Madden 10, but now that he’s got to join partner Cheryl Burke on the ball room floor for the ABC competiton, he’s been playing a new game… Dance Dance Revolution.

Chad posted the following Twitpic a few days a go (a subtle hint perhaps?) of himself playing DDR on a trip to Orlando with his children with the subject; “Nobody can beat me dancing on this game.”

His latest tweet regarding being on the show; “DWTS will be the first time i will be able to dance and be creative at the same time without getting fined=must see TV”

Don’t be surprised to see everything but the kitchen sink with this guy. Actually, you might even see the kitchen sink.

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