
STARZLIFE PICS: Jessica Alba, Trust Us


We just spent about an hour in the office trying to make sure that this was Jessica Alba. The conclusion we came to: yes. (The fact that we’re posting it should have tipped you off.) Jessica, with her her curly bob, stopped to chat with a male friend outside of Porta Via restaurant in Beverly Hills recently. She used her phone to take a picture, and we used other pictures of Jessica using her phone to make sure it was really her. (Again: it is. Same glasses, too.) Alba’s been in the news recently for declaring that she won’t be in the Fantastic Four reboot and telling some insane Chinese girl not to get plastic surgery to look like her.


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0 Responses to STARZLIFE PICS: Jessica Alba, Trust Us

  1. March 5, 2010 at 7:49 pm #

    That guy looks like Robert Rodriguez, and is about the same size (very tall) so I’d say she is talking with him about making a new movie or promoting one.

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