
Heidi Montag Dumps Spencer Pratt… Professionally


No, unfortunately Heidi Montag didn’t dump Spencer Pratt as her husband, but only as her manager.

Nobody want’s to sleep with the boss anyways.

Heidi has reached out to Malibu psychic Aiden Chase to handle her career.

Heidi tells People.com;

“After the incredible experiences I have had healing my life and truly connecting to my dreams with healer intuitive Aiden Chase, I have officially asked him to become my manager. Having an intuitive psychic leading my team gives me an edge no one else has.”

“No longer is my husband the face of my business or managing my career. I am going to have Aiden Chase help manage my new life and career in a very different and positive way with light and love. The time for change is now. Never mix business and pleasure. We are no longer Speidi but Spencer and Heidi.

Way to make it sound like Forest Gump or Apollo 13.  The project Heidi worked on with Ron Howard was this Funny or Die short.
That’s probably the comedy “film” she was talking about too.  If not it’ll definitely be a straight to DVD one, and Kristin Cavallari is already like three ahead of you in that category!
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