
Miley’s Salute to the Troops


Teen queen Miley Cyrus’ final season of Hannah Montana will feature a special episode, dedicated to the troops.

After her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus flew out to Afghanistan and Iraq  this past December to visit with the troops, he wanted to reach out to their families at home as well.

Billy Ray asked the shows writers to write up an episode in which the families of soldiers could come to the studio and join in on the fun, even surprising the kids with being able to film video messages to send to their parents who they have not seen in some time.

Miley tells People.com; “My dad has always been super involved with the troops so (the producers) always try to find things that are close to our hearts and that we’re really involved in. It’s going to be a satellite thing where the troops can see their kids. It’s really cool that they’re having the opportunity to say hi to a mom or dad they haven’t seen in a long time. I think that’s the coolest thing.”

Great gesture, BRC!

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