
That Was Quick! Heidi Montag Fires Psychic Manager


After only about a week of services, Heidi Montag is firing her psychic manager Aiden Chase.

As she was hard at work this past week filming her cameo in the upcoming Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston movie, Just Go With It, it looked as if this new manager had her on a decent path.

A source has revealed to Us Magazine that Montag was horrified when Chase showed up on set “demanding a significant portion of her Hills money.”

The source also is claiming that he tried to go for Audrina too while on the set of The Hills, telling her he could heal her, and asking to be her manager as well.

“He’s this creepy older guy who is clearly preying on these young girls. It’s awful.”

So why did Montag get duped into hiring him in the first place.  I know Spencer Pratt is all about healing and spiritual power now, but I would still think he could smell a rat from a mile away when it comes to money.

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