
EXCLUSIVE!!! Michelle McGee Not the Only Woman?


Jesse James may be a dead man when this is all said and done!!!

First it was the shocking tell all from Michelle “Bombshell” McGee that she had an affair with the married James, and then his public apology to wife Sandra Bullock, but is it going to keep piling up for the reality TV star?

A source has revealed EXCLUSIVELY to Starzlife that there is at least one other woman, waiting in the wings with some dirt on Jesse James.

Do we have another Tiger Woods on our hands?

“There’s another woman ready to come forward with a story if the price is right.  She knows that the other girl [McGee] got $30,000 for her story, and is not going to settle for much less.  We could easily see the beginning of  what is now known as “The Tiger Effect” here, though it will not be as many women, or as highly publicized,” our source claims.

Luckily for Sandra Bullock, she doesn’t need Jesse, besides maybe to shine her Oscar.  With Tiger, it was practically Elin’s loss to divorce him, but with Sandra, she can just move on to a better place.

Stay tuned…

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