
Bombshell McGee Reveals Her Agenda…


The more we learn about Michelle Bombshell McGee, the more we feel bad for Sandra Bullock, and even Jesse James!

The latest twist in this story is that she’s not done yet!  She set out to get Jesse James and when it ended, which was reportedly because he wouldn’t help her with the funding to open a strip club, she got him back by airing out his dirty laundry.

Now she’s claiming there is more, posting to her Twitter account this morning; “kiss and tell pt. 2 coming soon..”

Even her ex husband has came out calling her crazy, explaining to an entertainment TV program that McGee was Jesse James obsessed, and had even altered their wedding photo to replace his face with James’ at her salon.

It’d be great if the tabloids would just protest her story, and not let her cash in anything from this mess she’s created!

Team Sandra!

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