
Another One Bites the Dust! Seacrest Hacked!


You already saw that Justin Bieber took over FunnyOrDie this morning with his new version of the site, Bieber or Die.

Now it’s time for the new version of RyanSeacres.com… JoelMcHale.com!

Joel McHale has taken over his arch nemesis’ official site, and even twitter page.  Posting the following tweets;

“I’m Joel McHale. I’ve taken over Ryan’s Twitter and his treehouse. Anyone know how to bake cookies?”

“In case u ever want to hack Ryan, his password is “thirdnipple”.”

“Ryan here: just interviewed @SelenaGomez. She was awesome. Really connected. PSYCH! IT’S STILL JOEL! #seacresthacked

Hilarious, McHale!!

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