
Ex Tiger Teacher Demands Apology


No, we’re not talking an old golf instructor who he forgot to thank after a Masters, or a College Professor who he had worked with at Stanford, we’re talking about Tiger Woods’ Kindergarten teacher!

Tiger’s K teacher, Maureen Decker,  has teamed up with high powered bitch rep, Gloria Allred, and held a press conference merely asking for an apology from Tiger for something that happened that many years ago.

In 2005, Tiger told the tale of an event on his first day of kindergarten, where he was bullied and tied to a tree, had the n-word spray painted on him, and had rocks thrown at him by a group of sixth graders.

Tiger also apparently claimed that Ms. Decker watched the entire thing and did very little, to which she claims is false!

Ms. Decker claims that none of that ever happened and that he made the entire thing up.  She also claims that as a result of the claims, she’s been living with migraines and elevated blood pressure.

Decker is asking for a private, and public apology.

What, no money?  That’s not Allred style.  What’s the catch?

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