Kelly Osbourne Nervous About First Time With Fiance


Kelly Osbourne has admitted to Britain’s Elle Magazine that she’s a bit nervous to have sex with her fiance, Luke Worrell for the first time, because she’ll have to do it sober!

The once heavy but now looking amazing Osbourne once was able to hide her insecurities with her body behind a drug fueled haze, but after completing rehab and becoming sober, she’s had to deal with the way she really feels about herself in everything she does.

She says; “When I got out of rehab, every single thing scared me because I had to do everything for the first time. I was so self-conscious. I was like, Oh God, he must be looking at my big, fat, white a**e and my stretch marks and my t**s that look like a sad face.'” Adding, “I’d hidden the way that I didn’t feel pretty behind drugs, and I couldn’t hide any more.”

What I want to know.. is Luke, what are you waiting for!  Kelly has been looking HOTT lately!

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