
Kim Kardashian Criticized for Cat Cradle


Kim Kardashian is catching a lot of flack from animal activists for the way she held up this cat in one of her latest tweet photos.

During a photo shoot she tweeted; “Pic from my shoot yesterday…good kitty cat!”

PeTA spoke out issuing the following statement; “Kim Kardashian is not the only person who has the wrong idea of how to hold a cat in the correct manner.”

Kim responded that she’s an animal lover, and that she was taught how to hold a cat by a veterinarian and both he and the cat’s owner were present when the shooting was taking place.

PeTA obviously doesn’t know that Kim Kardashian does no wrong!

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One Response to Kim Kardashian Criticized for Cat Cradle

  1. March 4, 2011 at 11:10 pm #

    Kim Kardashian looks like a tranny whore

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