
A Hug From Taylor Swift


Talk about a couple of lucky ducks!  Two Auburn college student’s who were not embarrassed to have huge crushes on Taylor Swift made a website called  www.ahugfromtaylorswift.com to launch an online campaign to get a simple hug from the music star.

After they started documenting their quest on youtube, and Taylor herself stumbled upon them, she started filming her own videos with challenges for the boys.

As they went above and beyond in delivering the results of the challenge, she decided to give them the ultimate reward.

Yesterday afternoon Taylor surprised Michael and Ryan with a hug and a concert in one of their Auburn classrooms.

The story is amazing, the gesture from Taylor is so generous, and the videos are hilarous!

Go to www.ahugfromtaylorswift.com and check out their journey.

Get ready to see more campaign sites like these popping up everywhere!

Taylor Swift In Auburn :: April 26, 2010 :: AHugfromTaylorSwift.com from Robert on Vimeo.

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