
Conflicting Stories for Team Jenna/ Team Tito


This Jenna Jameson / Tito Ortiz drama is going to get good.  It could end up being the biggest fight of his career.   Both sides are claiming different stories, defending themselves, and you could probably take either side!

Ortiz was arrested yesterday morning in Huntington Beach, CA after a 911 call from Jameson’s father claiming domestic abuse.

Jameson appeared outside of a CVS store yesterday afternoon wearing an arm brace, and police cited visual injuries on her body.

During a press conference last night, Ortiz claimed that Jenna had relapsed back on to pills, and he was just trying to help her, but never laid a hand on her.

Jenna’s story:  a little different.   Jameson told TMZ today that “he’s just trying to save his career.” and that Ortiz was upset over some comments she made about him and threw her into a bath tub, tearing two ligaments in her shoulder.

Ortiz was released yesterday and held a press conference, but Jameson still plans to press charges.

The couple has twin boys together.

It’s honestly hard to believe either of them!  Are you on Team Jenna or Team Tito?

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