
Eminem Takes Aim at Big Ben in New Freestyle


Talk about one rapper who is instantly on top of the latest news stories in his rhymes.

Eminem, who just announced recently that his next album would be titled ‘Recovery,’ has written a new freestyle rap that is taking spreading all over the internet.

In the song, Em takes aim at Ben Roethlisberger, who is looking at a six game suspension this season after a 20-year-old girl in Georgia accused him of sexual assault in a night club bathroom in Georgia.

…I’d rather turn this club into a bar room brawl. Get as rowdy as Roethlisberger in a bathroom stall”

Ben dodged a bullet was not formally charged in the case, but Ben better grab a Snickers because the label of “rapist” is not going anywhere for a while.

Check out the rest of the song below, mind you the lyrics are pretty dirty so check your surroundings first!

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