
Rosie O’Donnell on Helping Lindsay Lohan


Sometimes we think that Dina Lohan gets off the hook too easily because Michael Lohan is such a loon!

If she stays quiet for a week, she looks like a model parent.  Thankfully there’s people out there who see that she’s not a model parent, and aren’t afraid to call attention to it.

Rosie O’Donnell is the latest to speak up about the mess that we call Lindsay Lohan.  Saying the starlet is in dire need of some help!

Rosie tells Access Hollywood; “Lindsay Lohan’s mother grew up one town over from where I did. I’m the same age as her mother… There’s like five people who are famous from the area we grew up and she’s one of them, and it makes me very sad. I look at Lindsay Lohan and think, ‘That could be my child’ – literally. All I wanna do is help her and save her and I wonder why her mother does not.”

How would Rosie suggest to get Lindsay that help?

“Her father doesn’t seem stable enough, nor does her mother. It’s gonna take some kind of intervention and it’s gonna be up to Lindsay in the end.”

So is Rosie on Team Michael?  Not so fast!  O’donnell admits that while her father is right about Lindsay needing an intervention, she doesn’t agree with his methods, adding;

“Her father doesn’t seem stable enough”

How would you help Lindsay Lohan? Don’t answer by saying you’d give her one of these.

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