
OMLG Has Arrived! GaGa Replaces God in Internet Lingo


Is Lady GaGa THAT BIG now?   In China at least!   Chinese web rats have replaced the traditional OMG with the newly coined OMLG.

This cartoon from China Daily: OH MY LADY GAGA!

Get it?

The new phrase is running rampant in China, even making it’s way on to certain television shows.  But where did it originate?

Some say right here in the USA on an episode of Ugly Betty.

During the premiere episode of season 4, Marc told a friend, “Oh my Lady Gaga! Mandy, you’re brilliant.”

Fox is likely screaming OMLG this morning, after their trimming of two minutes from Lady GaGa’s pre taped performance on American Idol this week lead to the star twittering that they are Amateur!

Gaga writes; “FOX POORLY + AMATEURLY (sic) edited+cut my performance/musical arrangement on idol. Watch real version… Fox chopped up my performance in 4 places.”

Sorry GaGa, they had to save two minutes for their snoozy contestants from this season.

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