
Amanda Peet Chose Her Babies Name How?

Most couples decide on a name for their baby long before it arrives, sometimes even two names if they are keeping the sex of the baby a surprise.

Amanda Peet and David Bienoff? Not so much.

The couple just recently gave birth to their second daughter, Molly June, but have revealed that the name was the result of a last minute decision.

Peet explains during an appearance on David Letterman;

“We were fighting about it a lot and you can’t leave the hospital until you sign the paper with the name so we got right up to the point where the nurse was trying to usher us to leave.  We still couldn’t choose between Maya June and Molly June. So finally David … tore off two little pieces of paper, wrote the names on each paper, and put them behind his back.”

Amanda picked the hand with Maya June, but says it made her really upset and she started to cry, so that’s when she knew it was Molly.

The couple has another daughter, Frances Penn, age three.

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