
Courtney Cox Not ‘Cougar’ Enough?

Not necessarily!  Anyone who has seen ABC’s  ‘Cougartown‘ knows that Courtney Cox is smokin’ hot!

However, apparently not enough people have seen Cougartown, because the shows creators are looking to re-brand the series and come up with a new name for season two.

Says co-creator Bill Lawrence;

“You would be hard-pressed to watch the last three episodes of the show and asked anyone for titles I doubt anyone would say ‘Cougar Town.’ Partly as a result of common sense and partly from [the studio’s] research, they find too many instances of testing of people saying they would never watch a show called Cougar Town — ‘I don’t want to see some show about a 40-year-old woman nailing younger guys.’ And then they screen an episode, and people go, ‘Oh, I would watch this show.’”

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