
Jonah Hill Named in Multi Million Dollar ‘Bruno’ Suit

Funnyman Jonah Hill is the latest name to be included in a lawsuit against comedian Sacha Baron Cohen for his movie, Bruno.

Hill, along with Jay Roach and David Letterman are just the latest of a long list to be named in the multi-million dollar suit.

Ayman Abu Aita, a Palestinian grocer,  filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against Cohen last year after a written caption in the film described him as “Terrorist group leader, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.” Abu Aita alleged he was defamed when he was named as a mock-terrorist in the movie – as many viewers didn’t get the joke.

Hill and Roach were executive producers on the film, and Letterman aired the clip on his show.

Aita sort of has a point, though multi-million dollars is stretching it.  However surely his motives are different than the defamation of his grocer celebs status.

Plus naming David Letterman in the suit?  C’mon son!

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