
Bret Michaels Admitted Back into Hospital With Heart Condition

After a traumatic week in the hospital recently, Bret Michaels was released, and  telling his story on the stage at Oprah, but unfortunately Brett was admitted back into the hospital last night.

After experiencing pains to one side of his body, Bret was admitted back into the hospital where they discovered that he had a hole in his heart.

Bret’s doc says in a statement;

“There is no doubt that the positive Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) is devastating news to Bret and his family. The good news is that it is operable and treatable and we think we may have diagnosed the problem that caused the Transient Ischemic Attach (TIA) or warning stroke; however we feel it is highly unlikely this is connected to the brain hemorrhage he suffered just a few weeks earlier. Once again it is great that he quickly reacted to the severe numbness and got to the hospital immediately.

“I realize Bret wants to make a full recovery so that he can be active with his family, attempt to attend the finale of Celebrity Apprentice, and especially get back on the road to continue making music. Without a doubt he is very determined to get healthy and make a 100% recovery. Medically speaking it is a fantastic attitude both mentally and physically for him to have.

However, Bret’s brain and body are not quite 100% yet, especially with the hole found in his heart. Further tests will be conducted throughout the week and I will have more information next week as to how this Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) will be treated. For now, Bret will be treated with outpatient care which includes a daily injection of Lovenox (a blood thinner to reduce the chance of blood clots) and blood tests.”

Bret is a finalist on the Celebrity Apprentice, and hopefully he will be recovered for the finale!

Get well soon, again, Brett!

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