
Lindsay Lied to Judge About Filming in Texas

Hopefully the old saying “anything you say will be held against you in the court of law” doesn’t hold true these days.

If it does, then when Lindsay Lohan steps back into court to assess her sitch, it may not be pretty.

Reportedly,  Lindsay’s team lied to the judge, when trying to get out of her having to wear the SCRAM bracelet and staying in Los Angeles, by saying it would conflict with her shooting scenes for her movie in Texas.

TMZ spoke with the producers attached with both Machete, and Inferno, the two films Lindsay Lohan is currently attached to.

While the rep for Machete confirmed that they are holding re-shoots for a couple of scenes from the film in Texas, Lindsay Lohan will not be needed for any of them.

As for Inferno, their camp is claiming that they won’t even be beginning production of the film until August, a month after Lindsay’s scheduled hearing.  Oh, and they aren’t even filming in Texas at all!

The good news is, Judge Marsha Revel had no sympathy, and had no sympathy even if what she was saying was true.

So let’s here it, whats the excuse this time?

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