
Miley Cyrus Would Rather Date her GBF

Poor Liam Hemsworth.   Miley Cyrus can’t be tamed!!!

During a recent interview with a UK talk show, Miley compared her BF to her GBF (Gay Best Friend) and admits she’d rather date the latter!

“(Hemsworth’s) taste is a little odd. I have a problem with people that wear board shorts when they’re not going to the beach. He’s constantly in surf trunks. I’m like, I don’t walk around in a bikini! As much as you wish I would, I don’t go out in a bikini all the time. He just wears trunks all the time. My best friend is gay, which doesn’t help ’cause he’s always decked out really hot. Then I see my boyfriend and I’m just like, I kinda want that one (gay friend)! Even though you don’t like me, I really like you! He’s way cuter and way more fun and wants to do everything I want to do, so that’s the difference.”

“Me and my best friend, we walk around town, and people give us looks like, ‘Oh how sad! That girl doesn’t know her boyfriend’s gay!’ But we’re just holding hands just because.”

Talk about a kick in the self esteem for Liam!

I do have a feeling though that when she’s holding her friend’s hand people are not thinking “that girl doesn’t know her boyfriend is gay”  They are probably thinking “why is that boy with Miley Cyrus carrying a gaudy Louis Vuitton bag.”

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