
Lindsay’s SCRAM Reports “a Small Amount of Alcohol”

This was the scene outside of Lindsay Lohan’s house yesterday afternoon as an emergency hearing to discuss an alert from her SCRAM bracelet was taking place.

The Sheriff arrived outside of Lohan’s house to keep the gathering crowd in order, as they waited to see if Linds would emerge from the house and give her side of the story.

A $200,000 bail was posted after a bench warrant was issued for her arrest.  The warrant was later withdrawn.

Reportedly, the SCRAM report showed that a small amount of alcohol was detected in Lohan’s body, which would be a violation of her probation, and pure stupidity on her part.

Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holly released the following statement:

“Having just received the report, I am not in a position to speak to its accuracy or validity, however, Ms. Lohan maintains that she has been in complete compliance with all of the terms of her probation and her bail.”

So it was SCRAM’s fault? Did someone pour a drink in her boot?

Stay tuned…

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