
Larry King’s Wife Overdoses in Utah, Taken to Hospital

Fresh off of a cheating scandal, Larry King’s wife was some how able to OD on pills, and keep it a secret for almost two weeks!

On May 28, Shawn Southwick’s father found her unconscious in her Provo, Utah  home.

Coincidentally, May 28 was the same day Gary Coleman passed away, also in Provo, Utah.

Karl Engemann told the 911 operator:

“She may have overmedicated. I don’t think she did it on purpose. Last night she seemed confused about what she had taken, the last time she had taken it…No, no. No, it wouldn’t be suicidal.

“She’s unconscious. I slap her and I holler at her and she opens her eyes half way and puts them back down again. I left my daughter here last night and she was fine. I come this morning she’s supposed to have a meeting in a while and she just seems to be out of it.”

Engemann was unsure of the exact medications that his daughter was taking, but knew they were something to help with anxiety and depression.

Southwick struggled with an addiction to pain medication back in 2008, and had a stint in rehab for it.

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