
EXCLUSIVE!!! Dean McDermott and Not His Wife

Dean-o, Dean-0, Dean-o!

No accusing, it could be his sister for all we know, but Starzlife spotted  Dean McDermott and NOT Tori Spelling EXCLUSIVELY in Santa Monica this week.

Dean’s mystery blonde is very likely just a friend or a colleague, who knows, but this Sunday stroll couldn’t have came at a more coincidental time!

Just recently, Tori Spelling admitted that she has a great fear of Dean cheating on her.

She tells HollywoodLife:

“We’re a loving couple, but were human and definitely not perfect. Given our history I often get worried that Dean is going to cheat on me. If the phone rings and it’s a girl’s voice I have to ask if he’s having an affair…Dean has never been anything but devoted, and he tells me over and over again that he would never do that. Deep down I believe him. But I can’t stop myself. For some reason I’m compelled to accuse him of cheating.”

Well, that could possibly be because you both cheated on your own relationships to be with each other.

So who’s the mystery blonde, Dean?

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