
Teri Hatcher Hooks Her Daughter Up With Justin Bieber

The perks of your mom being the star of a hit ABC series?  A cure for the Bieber fever!

During the launch of her new “chick guide” website, GetHatched.com, Terri Hatcher recalls to People Magazine how she became mother of the year to her 12-year-old daughter Emerson, by getting her the chance to take a pic with Justin Bieber.

“I got her a chance to get a picture with Justin Bieber, that was a highlight, and I scored some big points with her.”  Says the Desperate Housewives actress,  adding: I told her, ‘That’s it, nothing else until your wedding. There’s nothing between Justin Bieber and after college,’ ”

Sorry mom, in about three years, Emerson is going to get to high school, Bieber is going to be irrelevant in life, and she’s going to be embarrassed of that picture.

Hatcher calls GetHatched.com “a chicks guide to life,” and the site was launched this week.

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