
Michael Lohan: “The System Has Failed My Daughter”

Lindsay Lohan has just been sentenced to 90 days in jail, before 90 days in rehab, upon her surrender on July 20th.

Michael Lohan reportedly was forced to leave the court room before the sentence was handed down due to an incident inside the room.

Through his lawyer, they declared the rehab sentence a victory, and urged her to go ASAP, Michael added before leaving that he believed the system had failed his daughter.

Currently, a rep for the LA sheriff’s department  is talking about overcrowding in LA jails, and is speculating that a female prisoner will generally serve 25% of their sentence, which could also be shortened due to some other factors.

He insists it’s too early to speculate right now.

Lohan must surrender by 8:30 on February 20th.

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