
Dina Lohan Has Been Silent For Too Long…

Dina Lohan has stayed quiet long enough!

Though she wasn’t present for support until after the sentence, Dina Lohan finally sat down with Entertainment Tonight to chat about the situation.

In regards to Lindsay’s state of mind:

“Lindsay’s scared to death. You know, she’s strong, but until someone faces something as devastating as that…we’re going to have to see. God willing, it won’t happen…It’s very difficult, we’re not sleeping well, we’re not functioning. We cry a lot and we hug a lot. She’s petrified, we all are. We’re angry. We’re disappointed in the system.”

On choosing a new lawyer after the resignation of Shawn Chapman Holley:

“She’s a fighter, and until the final result — we’re not giving up. I think it’s time we get another attorney just to see it from another light and do damage control.”

On the Judge, Marsha Revel:

“This is not an OJ Simpson trial, which they made it out to be. If she [Judge Revel] wants a trial, then make it a fair trial. I feel like Shawn [Chapman Holley], Lindsay’s [former] attorney should have stood up and said, ‘Listen, I didn’t know you were going to have witnesses.’ We would have had ten witnesses. We didn’t get a shot. We didn’t get a shot at fairness.”

On the 2007 incident that landed Lindsay in this place:

“She did a really stupid thing. Thank God she didn’t hurt anyone….I know my daughter is clean and sober today. I know that for a fact. I’m not a doctor…and I’m not an attorney. I’m a mother. And I’m sitting here, as a mother, just worried about my child.”

We expected a LOT crazier.  She was pretty tame.  Not sure what hope they are holding on to for it to not happen though.  It’s happening!

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