
Lindsay to Tell All For a Paycheck

90 days in the pokey, and 90 days in the ‘hab when you haven’t had much work in the past few years anyways is definitely a bank breaker!

That could explain two things!

One: Why Lindsay Lohan is trying to get her new laywer to represent her for free.

Two: Why she’s planning to make mega bucks off of her first tell all interview.

According to a source: “Lindsay wants her new attorney to represent her for free. Lindsay doesn’t think she should pay for a new lawyer, period. Lindsay has gone through two attorneys already.”

We’re not really sure what her pitch of why she deserves the free legal could be, besides saying “I’m pretty freaking broke and all out of options here,” which actually might be the truth.

Never the less, she will be taking in a hefty pay day for her first tell all.  Be it in a a magazine, or on network television, Lindsay is set to dish on jail, court, the judge, SCRAM, everything!   Will she be telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?  Probably not, but it is going to be a hot topic!

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