
Twilight Birthing Scene To Be Shown and Graphic

There’s some good news and some potentially bad news for Twilight fans.

The bad news first.

Everyone knows in breaking down Bella gives birth to a half human, half vampire child, and that the child birth was extremely graphic in the novel.

For Breaking Dawn the film, which will be split into two parts, it was uncertain how they would portray the birth, keeping it to a PG 13 rating.

If it’s up to screen writer Melissa Rosenberg, it should be graphic!   She explains: “The childbirth…,I feel, should be on screen.”

The good news?  Well the good news is that by showing the birth in some way shape or form, rather than foreshadowing to the post baby scenes, keeps one of the most intense and important parts of the book in tact for the film.

Certain things you just cant omit.

It will all be up to director Bill Condon how it’s shot on screen, but with Rosenberg writing it, it will be in the text!

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