
Tim Allen Commit’s to Toy Story 4, if There’s a Toy Story 4

Though they haven’t really put a plan in place for a fourth movie yet, Disney/Pixar has locked down Tim Allen to reprise his role as Buzz Lightyear should they choose to do a Toy Story 4.

With the half a billion dollars that Toy Story 3 has brought in worldwide, it’d almost be silly not to!

Director Lee Unkrich reveals:

“I really tried my best to end the story of Andy and his toys and bring that story to a close in a really nice way at the end of [‘Toy Story 3’].

“That being said, we know that people love the characters, love Woody and Buzz, and would hate to say good-bye to them completely. … We don’t have any plans for (a fourth movie) — but we are trying to find ways to keep the characters alive.”

Surely they will find a way.  We haven’t seen the third yet to know how it ends, but just because Andy is older, doesn’t mean it’s got to be over.
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