
The Situation Planning Self Help Book, and iPhone App

If only we could see what was going on in the head of Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino!

He’s entertaining on Jersey Shore, that’s for sure, but is he taking it a bit far?

His latest facebook status: “i want the sickk situation that i have situated to be situationally available for it to become everybody’s situation so that we all have our own situation. pretty sure that would be a good SITUATION. what do u think? – Sitch – President and founder of the GFF / GFA – promoting a world free of violent and hostile grenades”


Mike has recently announced that he’ll be releasing a self help book, as long as a new iphone app.

He’s also reportedly in secret talks with MTV for a pay raise for season three of Jersey Shore.  However, it’s no secret any more, and the rest of the cast have went on strike, refusing to film this week until they negotiate new contracts .  They feel as if they can make more money in the coming weeks by doing appearances than by making $10,000 an episode to film.

MTV reportedly is most concerned about keeping him, Snooki and Pauly D but consider the entire cast replaceable.

Would you watch Jersey Shore with a new cast?

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