
Michael Lohan Yells to Lindsay As She Leaves For Jail, Tries to Remain Relevant

Michael Lohan was THAT GUY inside the court room today when Lindsay was being walked out by officers after she had been placed in cuffs.

“We love you Lindsay,” Michael reportedly screamed as his daughter left the room.

On his Twitter page last night Michael wrote:

“If my daughter goes 2 jail 2morrow.If I c anyone who used, enabled or leached off my daughter or family.i WILL name and expose you 4 who u r.  That includes u S.O..u liar.U even lied and used my partners by taking fees for a case It’s 10 O’clock,do u “EVER” know where ur children r?”

Well, his daughter is now in jail, so we’ll see what shenanigans he comes up with next.

Whatever they are, we know Lindsay is not rooting for him from her cell!

She recently tweeted about her “former father”

“I don’t want Michael Lohan Sr. anywhere near me, no matter where I am. I am in a great place and he only brings negativity in my world.”

Isn’t it time for him to give up already?

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