
Courtney Love Latest in Idol Contention?

Geez, it seems like someone new is rumored to be taking Simon’s seat each and every day!

Bret Michael’s was the original front runner and it seemd like he had been all but announced as the shows new judge, but then a few more names started popping up.

The latest:   Jessica Simpson yesterday, and Courtney Love today.

Multiple sources were claiming that Simpson was really close to a deal, and that she had been in serious talks with the network and show execs regarding the position.

FF to this morning, when Courtney Love’s name appears as someone also in talks.

We think both of those are horrendous choices, but the show is dead in our eyes already, so as they say on the farm, “who gives a sh*t?”

We think it’s funny how these rumors pop up every day with a new host-to-be.   We may even start one of our own later on today and see if it catches on.

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